Conference Proceedings

The proceedings of WADS 2021 are available at:

Springer Societies Online has kindly granted conference participants free access to these proceedings till the end of September 2021. What you need to do to access the proceedings is to click the above link from this Conference Proceedings webpage, and then you will be able to download the papers and proceedings from Springer.

Note: It has been brought to our attention that clicking the above link might not work for everyone to get free access. After contacting Springer support, we were informed that specific browser settings (it is more likely for it to work with Firefox than Chrome) or restrictions applied by firewalls, including firewalls of institutions or companies, may prevent it from working (thus it is more likely to work at home). Thus, your best bet is to use Firefox from you wired home network, but it is still not guaranteed to work. Since it is not possible to diagnose it for each individual, Springer sent us 50 access codes (you could contact Meng at mhe [at] for one) for the proceedings. The codes will expire by the end of September, so please download a copy before that. The following document contains instructions:

If your institution provides free access to Springer publications, then you could also use your institution’s VPN without registering with Springer or using an access code; the downloaded copy of the proceedings is the same.

If you would like to diagnose your browser and firewall settings (this might not be an easy task, so we would not recommend spending time on it), the following information may be helpful: The Springer server needs to receive the information that you clicked the link to the proceedings from this page. Even though we set the proper HTTP security header to allow it to be sent (it is set to no-referrer-when-downgrade), your browser or firewall setting may still restrict it.

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